This qualification is listed in the Ofqual Register of Qualifications. The CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners provides advanced skin assessment skills. The qualification is fit for purpose for both the aesthetic therapist and medical practitioner. (Learners will practice within their specific professional parameters).


The CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners provides Learners with the underpinning knowledge and practical skills required when assessing the Client’s skin prior to carrying out or providing advice about professional, ethical, safe and Knowledge descriptor (the Learner) Skills descriptor (Learner can) has practical, theoretical or technical knowledge and understanding of a subject or field of work to address problems that are well-defined and complex and non-routine can analyse, interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas is aware of the nature of the approximate scope of the area of study or work has informed awareness of different perspectives or approaches within the area of study or work identify, adapt and use appropriate cognitive and practical skills to inform actions and address problems that are complex and non-routine while normally fairly well-defined review the effectiveness and appropriateness of methods, actions and results.

Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners Specification effective non-surgical clinical aesthetic treatments, such as Chemical Skin Peeling, MicroNeedling and Blemish Removal by Thermolysis and Cryotherapy, in line with government recommendations.


The aim of the CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners is to:

· provide Learners with a challenging qualification that will enable them to gain the advanced knowledge required for work as a non-surgical aesthetic practitioner

· provide Learners with the opportunity to recognise the changing industry and the opportunities for personal and economic progression that exist within it

· provide Learners with the knowledge and terminology required to work confidently and effectively within the aesthetics sector

· enable Learners to make knowledgeable and confident treatment decisions in the workplace

· encourage Learners to contextualise knowledge, reflect and adapt to ensure professional, ethical, safe and effective practice

· provide opportunities for Learners to develop the necessary knowledge and understanding to progress to higher levels of qualification and practice, in line with UK government recommendations

· encourage wider learning of the aesthetics sector · to provide a broad insight into the treatment modalities, practices and cosmeceutical products used in the medispa sector 5.3 The content of the CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners is shown below Knowledge elements for the CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners:

· understand investigative consultation and advanced skin assessment and contextualise the importance to aesthetic treatment

· understand the primary skin types and secondary skin conditions and the methods of advanced skin assessment Practical elements for the CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners: CSDA03 CIBTAC Lv4 Award in Skin Health Assessment for Aesthetic Practitioners Specification CIBTAC © 6 V2 18/05/18 · carry out investigative consultation and advanced skin assessment and reflect and contextualise the information to devise safe, effective and ethical skin treatment


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